Paris Metro Maps
Each train has a map of the overall metro system plus a separate one that shows all the stations on the line that you are on.
Platforms have the same information. Tourist offices and guidebooks usually have a map of the whole metro system.
Near the ticket desks, you can find maps that show the area above ground to help you choose the exit you need. Some stations are small and only have one exit, some are vast and have 12.
Buying Tickets for the Paris Metro
The easiest way is probably to use a machine, which gives an English option. There are many debates on what represents the best value for money but I still think it works out best to buy a carnet (pronounced carnay) which gives you 10 tickets in one go at a discounted price (11.60 Euros in April 2010.)
You can pay by cash or card (as long as the machines aren’t broken.)
Tips & Tricks for the Paris Metro
Most doors open automatically, however some older trains have metal handles that you need to open yourself. These need a forceful shove into the upright position (and there’s quite a knack to it!) Don’t leave it too late and miss your stop…
Paris Metro Exits

– You need to walk through imposing looking metal gates at the end of your journey (no ticket required.) Don’t mistake them for a blocked off exit – you are supposed to walk right into them.
Buggies, Luggage, Stairs & Lifts on the Paris Metro
– Unfortunately the Paris Metro System doesn’t make it easy. You need to call the station master and wait for someone to open the gate in order to let you through if you have anything bulky with you. The Paris Metro is also riddled with staircases and there often isn’t the option of a lift. If you’re sticking to the centre of town (between Place de la Concorde and the Arc de Triomphe) it’s often easier to walk.